Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy Days are here again...

Wohooo lookie what I got in the mail from my gf Joy over at Tamiko's! Happy Days by TGF! So freakin' adorable, like I want to eat them (wow that is weird) but you know what I mean, lol! I made this card and matching little tote bag for a gf, who's birthday is coming up on the 15th, ahem...won't say who it is, but she probably knows. Well I hope she knows when her birthday is, but then again, when you get old your forget things, nah just joking!

Go check out Tamiko's for some fabulous stuff, you will not be disappointed! Plus she has free shipping over $25! Now that is a deal!


Shirley N said...

OMG Michelle, this is freakin cute all right--I so love this card, tote and image. Awesome coloring too!

1LuvnMama said...

ho man! excellent coloring of the black hair! ;) hope all is well . . . seeing the family today for dinner (shan). pretty soon #2 is coming!

Islander Girl said...

Hey girl! I just love this set too!!! They're super duper cute! I can't wait to see more from TGF w/this line..wink*wink!

Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday!

Brenda said...

Oooh! What a cute image! Gotta get this one!

Lissa said...

The little tote is awesome!!!

mst822 said...

Ooh, such a cute image! Luv your card & tote!

Ilissa said...

They are so cute!! I love her hair..the card is great too!!

Cami said...

Wow Michelle, this card and tote is so darn cute!!! Your friend will LOVE this! You are so creative! Hugs, Cami

Teri said...

Love your card and matching bag! This set was so fun to use yeah?

Joy said...

holy! you were busy this weekend! love the creations you have put together. I am so behind! trying to keep up and send birthday stuff out on time! not doing a good job. oh wells, better late than never right? hope you had a good day off on Tsunami day! I was so bummed we didn't play and get together, but at least we were all safe at home. have a great's back to the grind! TTYL!

Cheryl said...

Love your card and matching bag! Very cute images!

Charlene said...

What a cute card and bag. Any chance you will post instructions for making the bag?

Cyndi said...

super cute card and bag! love that girl!

Kyoko said...

Wow how sassy is that! You are just too creative GF! LOVE IT!


Joy said...

Awwww, so adorable yah? I know what you mean, just like eat 'em up!! Love your creations, can't wait to see what else you come up with!!


Joy said...

Really cute, Michelle. Love the way you did the coloring! She is a cute charcter, too. Kinda has asian eyes, don't ya think? I think that's what makes her stand out for me, she has a real fresh look.

Jodi said...

Oh this is so cute! I love the matching bag you made with her!! Love these colors Michelle!!
Jodi =)

Allison Rankin said...

OMG! How perfect is she! And so fab with the DP choice!